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Adoption/Volunteer Application

Incomplete applications can not be processed, so please be thorough when completing our application
We are currently NOT accepting adoption applications from people outside of the Capital District (greater than 40 miles from the Albany Airport). If you are in the Pittsfield MA area we may have volunteers willing to do home visits in those areas and we may be able to help you adopt through Homeward Bound Dog Rescue.
(please click the "SUBMIT APPLICATION" button at the bottom of the form to submit the application when complete)
* = Required fields.
* First Name * Last Name
* e-mail address * Occupation
Are you interested in fostering? Yes   No
Are you interested in volunteering? Yes   No
Additional First Name Additional Last Name
Additional e-mail address
* Home Phone
* Work Phone
Other Phone
* Street Address 1
Street Address 2
* City:
* State
* Zip

Home and Family

Number of Adults  
Name of an adult living in the household  
Name of another adult living in the household  
Adult Age(s)    
Number of Children  
Children Age(s)    
* Your Accommodations (house, apartment, townhouse, trailer, motor home, other)  
Own or Rent    
* Landlords Name
* Landlords Phone Number
* We reserve the right to contact him/her to ensure a dog is allowed.

Current And Past Pets

What animals are CURRENTLY living with you? Name of animal? Type? Age? Are they spayed or neutered?
Current pet 1    
Current pet 2    
Current pet 3    
Current pet 4    
Current pet 5    
Please list any Pets (DOGS and CATS especially) you have had within the past 8 years not listed as a Current Pet, what happened to them, and provide the vet information (name and number) if it is different from your current vet.
Past Pet 1    
Past Pet 2    
Past Pet 3    
Past Pet 4    
Past Pet 5    

Canine Experience

Have you ever owned a dog? Yes   No
Have you had any dogs as an adult? Yes   No
Have you had any dogs with your family growing up? Yes   No
If yes, how many and what kind?
Who is the dog for? (yourself or someone else-specify who)
Why do you want a dog?

How would you rate your level of experience in owning a dog? (beginner/ intermediate/ advanced)
Have you ever had to give away a dog and if so please explain.
Have you ever euthanized a dog and if so why?
If yes to either of the previous 2 questions, please explain here:

Are you familiar with crate training?
Yes   No
Are you willing to crate train the dog?
Yes   No
Do you have any experience with obedience training?
Yes   No
Are you willing to hire a dog trainer or behaviorist if any manageable problems develop?
Yes   No
Where will the dog primarily be kept?
Where is the dog going to stay during the day? And at night?
How will you discipline the dog if s/he misbehaves?
What brand(s) of dog food do you use, or intend to use?
Do you have a completely fenced in yard?
Yes   No
If yes, how high is your fence? (feet)
Is someone home during the day?
Yes   No
If no, approximately how many hours will the dog be alone?

Veterinary Care
(please understand that this section is of vital importance to complete if you are planning to adopt one of our dogs)

Will you provide regular veterinary care for your dog? Yes   No
Do you realize your dog must be seen by your veterinarian at least once a year for a check up and given updated shots as necessary?
Do you have a current Veterinarian or Veterinarians that you use for your current pets? If so, please provide names, phone numbers and pet names (if you use different vets)
If yes, please provide their name:

and telephone number:

Second Veterinarian name:

and telephone number:

Third Veterinarian name:

and telephone number:

Dog Information

If there is a particular dog(s) you are interested in, please list the name(s):
Please state what characteristics you would like in a dog.
Sex (male, female, either)
Age (any, puppy, 1-2 yrs, 2-5yrs, 5-8 yrs, 8+ yrs)
Breed (any, or specify)
Adult Size (any, tiny, small, medium, large, giant)
Energy level (any, couch potato, medium, high)
What behavior traits or strengths are you looking for in a dog? (yes in any that apply)
* playful * good with children
* good with cats * good with dogs
* long hair * does not chew
* short hair * house trained
* affectionate * does not shed
* travels well * good in crate
* easy to train * other (please specify)
List behaviors/bad habits that you would really like to avoid in a dog?

Is there anything else you would like us to know about what you are looking for in a dog?

Realizing that no dogs are perfect all of the time, what is your level of commitment to work with an adopted Homeward Bound dog brought into your family if problems (medical, behavioral, etc.) arise?
  • None - it is a rescue dog
  • Low - family comes first
  • Medium - depends on the severity of problems
  • High - we'll do anything we can within reason
  • Complete- 100% committed to my new family member

What is your level of commitment and why?

Please Provide 2 UNRELATED personal references that we may contact:
Phone Number
Phone Number
Thank you very much for applying to Homeward Bound Dog Rescue. If you do not hear from us with 7 days, please email us – contact information is on our site.

Homeward Bound Dog Rescue of New York, LLC.
P.O. Box 5782
Albany, NY 12205

Adoption Clinics:
Saturdays, by Invitation

202 Front St.

(our entrance is really on John St.)
Schenectady, NY 12105

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